We love what we do - Healthcare (Here soon!)

We are rehabilitation therapists, we are caregivers, we are icers on icerLand! We have the passion for giving a cool ice life to any one who is constrained to perform activities of daily living (ADL's). We have the vision to develop our professions in inclusive care of eudemonia. We believe everyone deserves a cool ice life regardless of who someone is. So do your loved ones and elderly parents, who may be living alone and are unable to effectively care for themselves due to chronic health issues, or are recovering from an illness or surgery yet are constrained to perform activities of daily living. We provide professional and personal inclusive care to help them live and feel as comfortably as a cool ice life is.

In-Home Care 居家康復護理

In-Home Care 居家康復護理

In-Home Care is health care or nursing provided by well-trained private duty caregivers when your elderly parents and loved ones, who may be living alone or recovering from an illness or surgery, are not capable of completing activities of daily living (ADL’s) without assistance, e.g., eating, bathing, dressing, cooking, brushing teeth, getting in and out of bed or a chair, maintaining bladder and bowel control, etc.

居家康復護理是當您年邁的父母和所愛的人因獨居或正從疾病或手術後康復中,無法在沒有幫助的情況下完成日常生活活動時,由私人康復護理人員提供的康復護理或醫療保健, 例如,吃飯、洗澡、穿衣、做飯、刷牙、上下床或椅子、保持膀胱和腸道(大小便)控制等。

In-Home Pro-Care 居家專業康復護理

In-Home Pro-Care 居家專業康復護理

In-Home Pro-Care is health care or nursing provided by licensed or registered professionals to assist your elderly parents and loved ones in the comfort of their own home, when injections, simple wound care, physical or occupational or speech therapy assistance, basic skills teaching, vital signs monitor, etc., are prescribed by a doctor in the recovery process from a surgery, medical procedure or stroke.


In-Home Personal Care 個人護理

In-Home Personal Care 個人護理

We are all individuals with individual needs. Our icers, either professionals or private duty caregivers, provide your elderly parents and loved ones with personal care from rehabilitation therapy to personal hygiene, bathing, dressing, eating, medication reminders, meal preparation, cleaning, errands, household chores, assisting with transfers and ambulation, as well as leisure activities, etc.

每個人都有不同的個人需要。 我們的持牌職業治療師、註冊專業還是私人康復護理或醫療保健人員,都會為您年邁的父母和所愛的人提供個人需要的護理,從康復治療到個人衛生、洗澡、穿衣、飲食、服藥提示、膳食準備、清潔、差事、家務、協助步行和轉移位置,以及休閒活動等。

Companion Care 陪伴護理

Companion Care 陪伴護理

Living or being alone for long can be devastating as increased loneliness and lethargy can negatively affect the mental and physical health of your elderly parents and loved ones. Our icers, private duty caregivers, provide them with a personal companionship to help them hang around with friends, have a light exercise outdoor, go to the doctor, or simply be a friendly visit to keep them company.

長期獨居或獨處可能會帶來致命的後果,因為孤獨感和嗜睡感的增加會對年邁的父母和所愛的人的身心健康產生負面影響。 我們的私人康復護理或醫療保健人員,為他們提供私人陪伴,幫助他們與朋友閒逛,在戶外進行輕度運動,去看醫生,或者只是友好地拜訪他們以陪伴他們。

Our Team

We are looking for occupational therapists and professional private duty caregivers as co-founders or founding members, who have the vision to develop their professions in inclusive care of eudemonia and the passion for giving a cool ice life to any one who is constrained to perform activities of daily living...